Greg Bailey
T: 0428 823 565
PO Box 411,
Sawtell NSW 2452, Australia
Optimum Health and Safety has an experienced professional service that can provide expert WHS advice to our clients, enabling them to meet their Safety obligations using our full range of WHS services.
We can deliver best practical solutions that assist our clients to minimise risks, ensure compliance, and provide a safe work environment.
Our services are prompt and reliable and designed to save time and money.
Our Work Health and Safety consulting services are tailor made to suit your particular safety needs.
We can undertake initial assessment’s formulate and develop safe procedures, and provide ongoing support.
We can assist you to complete Risk Assesments, Safe Work Method Statements, and Saftey Management Plans and More.
We can carry out Accident and Incident Investigations.
WHS Audits and reviews.
WHS Management Systems.
WHS Software Solutions.
Facilitate Safety Meetings.
Free WHS Systems Gap Analysis.
Work Place Environmental Management.
Workplace Training and Assessing.
Traffic Management Plans.
We work with you to minimize disruption to production and employees.
Productivity measurement/assessments, and quality control audits.
PCBU’S (persons conducting a business or undertaking) workers, volunteers, visitors, contractors), must ensure, that the way they carry out their work, does not expose to risk, or jeopardise, the health, safety and welfare of themselves and other persons that are present at a place of work.
The WHS Act imposes certain duties to consult for PCBU’S (persons conducting a business or undertaking) that are mandatory.
Every workplace has a legal responsibility to ensure workers are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to control risks. PPE includes any device, material, or substance used to protect health of persons and may include such items as sun protection cream, gloves, goggles or a self-rescue respiratory device.
PCBU’s have an obligation under Environmental legislation to protect our environment and minimise waste.
Hazardous materials in the workplace have the potential to cause harm, and must be managed in conformance with WHS legislation.
Every workplace has a legal responsibility to to provide for emergency situations
PCBU’s (Persons conducting a business or undertaking) are legally obliged, when requested and where reasonably practical, provide suitable and appropriate employment to an injured worker, who has a current capacity to work.
PCBU’S have and obligation to ensure that workers have been given adequate instruction, information, training and supervision to safety do their work.
We are experts and provide the best services to a wide range of private and public industries.
Transport (Road/Rail)
Facility Management
All Trades - Plumbing, Bricklaying, Electrical, Carpentry.
Light / Heavy Industry
Greg Bailey | Principal Consultant
T: 0428 823 565 | E: | PO Box 411, Sawtell NSW 2452